Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: MacSOUP Manual then the highest-read- -article counts are updated to match those of the .newsrc. There 's one thing to be aware of: MacSOUP only keeps track of the highest article number it has fetched whereas a .newsrc file can contain more detailed information as to which articles have been read This int nformation will be lost if you import the .newsrc into MacSOUP For example, it the .newsrc contains a line such as comp sys mac comm 2357 2528 2790-2877 then MacSOUP will simp ly assume that all articles up to 2877 have been si tua ion, you should #catch up ali groups in your Unix newsreader be news rc. Export newsrc... Wri tes standard Unix .newsrc file that contains informa tion about wh has fetched in each group This file can be used by Unix newsreader, NewsWa tcher T the la itter cas ...